What Happens When You Stop Using Fluoride Toothpaste?

Everyone knows brushing their teeth with fluoride toothpaste is essential for good oral health. But what happens when you stop using fluoride toothpaste? Is it that bad for your teeth? This article looks at the history of fluoride toothpaste, its pros and cons, and alternatives to traditional fluoridated toothpaste.

What is Fluoride and What Does It Do For Teeth?

Fluoride is an element found naturally in most water sources. It is also found in many foods and drinks. It helps strengthen enamel and protects against cavities by making teeth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria. Fluoridated toothpaste is created with higher levels of fluoride than what is found naturally in tap water. This helps prevent cavities and strengthen tooth enamel even further.

The History of Fluoride Toothpaste

In 1940, Joseph Muhler and Harry Day began researching cavity-preventing products using stannous fluoride at Indiana University. Their research was further developed in the 1950s by William Nebergall and Joseph Muhler, resulting in Crest® toothpaste being nationally introduced in 1956. The American Dental Association soon acknowledged its effectiveness as an effective decay-prevention product four years later.

Since then, fluoride has become an important part of dental hygiene products such as mouthwashes and teeth whitening strips. Today, nearly all toothpaste contains a fluoride compound to help protect against cavities and keep your smile looking bright and healthy.

Pros of Using Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride can be beneficial for teeth when used correctly. It helps to strengthen tooth enamel, making it more resistant to decay and cavities. Regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste can also help remineralize the teeth, making them look brighter and whiter. It also helps protect against gum disease by reducing plaque bacteria levels.

In addition, fluoride can promote the attraction of essential minerals, such as calcium, to areas surrounding your teeth. This influx of calcium benefits our bones and helps fortify each tooth with a solid foundation that ensures their longevity.

Cons of Using Fluoride Toothpaste

 It is important to note that overusing fluoride can be toxic and should be avoided. Too much fluoride can lead to fluorosis, a condition in which white spots or streaks appear on the teeth due to too much of the mineral being absorbed into the enamel. Additionally, some people are sensitive to or allergic to fluoride and may experience side effects such as burning or stinging sensations, rashes, and other allergic reactions.

Is Fluoride Toothpaste Safe for Children?

Studies have found that fluoride toothpaste has been successful in helping children under six to reduce the risk of cavities. However, regular ingestion of pea-sized amounts of toothpaste may cause mild cases of fluorosis. As a result, it is important for parents to always supervise their children’s brushing and ensure that they only use a very small amount of toothpaste.

Alternatives to Fluoride Toothpaste

There are a few alternatives to traditional fluoride toothpaste that can help fight cavities and keep your teeth healthy. Non-fluoridated toothpaste contains natural ingredients such as baking soda, sea salt, and essential oils that can make your teeth look brighter and help reduce plaque build-up. In addition, toothpaste containing calcium phosphate strengthens enamel and prevents cavities.

Best Family Dentistry in Winter Park, FL

Let Smile Center of Orlando, your premier family dentist in Winter Park, FL, help you find the best toothpaste. We offer a wide range of dental services to ensure that you and your family have healthy, happy smiles. Whether it’s fluoride toothpaste or an alternative option you need, we’re here to help! Give us a call today to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you achieve optimal oral health.

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8 Ways To Prevent Bad Breath

Have you ever had a conversation with someone who suddenly clammed up in the middle of it and quickly excused themselves? You may have been a victim of bad breath. Whether it’s caused by what you ate for lunch or something else altogether, bad breath is embarrassing and can lead to uncomfortable conversations. To help you figure out how to fight off bad breath, let’s look at the eight most common causes and ways to prevent it.

Eating Certain Foods

Some foods have a higher sulfur content than others which can produce an unpleasant odor in your mouth after eating them. Garlic, onions, certain cheeses, fish dishes, and even some spices are all known for their ability to cause bad breath if consumed in large quantities or regularly.

To help eliminate the potential of bad breath caused by certain foods, you can brush your teeth after eating to rinse away any particles. You can also try chewing sugar-free gum or mints after meals, as it will help neutralize odors from the remaining food in your mouth.


Studies have consistently proven that cigarette smoking is a major contributing factor to periodontal disease. Smokers are more prone than non-smokers to developing issues such as teeth loss, gingival recession, and periodontal pockets. Smoking has also been identified as the strongest risk factor for oral health complications as it lowers the immune system and exacerbates inflammations.

If quitting smoking isn’t an option for you, don’t worry. There are still ways to reduce bad breath. Regular dental checkups should be your top priority to guarantee a healthy mouth and stay informed of any issues that may arise.

Dry Mouth

Hydration keeps your saliva flowing, essential for washing away bacteria and preventing bad breath. Inadequate hydration can decrease saliva production, resulting in a dry mouth and increased bacterial growth in the oral cavity and tongue.

There are several ways to combat this issue. Aside from drinking plenty of water throughout the day, avoid sugary drinks that can increase oral bacterial growth. Chewing sugar-free gum is a great way to increase saliva production if you experience dry mouth. Brushing your teeth and removing buildup on your tongue with a tongue scraper can also help to reduce bad breath.


If your breath has been suffering recently, it may be due to a protein-heavy diet. Ketones are released when large amounts of proteins break down during digestion, causing what is called “ketone breath.” Try incorporating more fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes into your daily meals to remedy this issue.

Health Problems

Some health problems can cause bad breath. These include sinus infections, diabetes, acid reflux, and respiratory tract infections. If you suspect a health condition is the cause of your bad breath, it is important to speak to your doctor or dentist so that they can determine if treatment is necessary.

Certain Medications

It has been found that many medications, consisting of antihistamines and decongestants, can result in dryness in the mouth and throat. Diminished saliva production causes an accumulation of unpleasant odors over time.

If you are using medications that cause dry mouth, talk to your doctor about possible alternatives. You can also alleviate the problem by drinking enough water or using a mouth rinse formulated to combat dry mouth.


When we’re overwhelmed, the hormones cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline are released into the bloodstream. These chemicals can suppress the immune system and drastically increase bacterial growth in our bodies, creating an unpleasant smell on our breath.

Try relaxation techniques, such as yoga or deep breathing exercises to reduce stress. Additionally, getting adequate sleep, maintaining a healthful diet, and a regular exercise routine are all beneficial for combating bad breath.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene is the number one leading cause of bad breath. When food particles are left behind, they can rot and produce smelly odor-causing bacteria. Not brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing regularly, and using mouthwash are key factors that allow bad breath to persist.

It is essential to practice proper oral hygiene every day. By brushing your teeth regularly and flossing at least once a day, you can remove plaque buildup from the surface of your teeth and along the gum line. Rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash helps to reduce oral bacteria levels, thus combating bad breath. Twice-yearly visits to your dentist are also essential for maintaining fresh breath and good oral health.

Smile Center of Orlando Is Here to Help

We understand that bad breath is an issue that affects many people, but it doesn’t have to be a burden for life. If you’re looking for treatments to combat bad breath, visit us at the Smile Center of Orlando. We can help determine the cause of your bad breath and provide solutions, such as deep cleanings, gum disease treatment, and specialized toothpaste or mouthwash. Contact our office today to learn more about how we can help you achieve lasting fresh breath.

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